Student Participation Agreement (iPad)

'The iAgree'

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General Use – iAgree to:

  1. hold the iPad carefully when carrying it and will walk with it at all times.
  2. keep food and drinks away from the iPad at school.
  3. immediately report any accidents or breakages to my teacher (ICT Services will then be informed).
  4. seek permission (other person / teacher) when taking images of other people.

Content – iAgree to:

  1. use the iPad to support my school learning program.
  2. use email for educational learning purposes.
  3. permit my teachers to perform checks of the websites I visit. I understand there will be consequences for inappropriate use.

Safety and Security – iAgree to:

  1. only go to websites which support my learning activities via the Christ Church Grammar School Internet Service Provider (ISP) only.
  2. be cybersafe and cybersmart when accessing the Internet.
  3. comply with all School policies, procedures and guidelines in respect to cyber safety.
  4. demonstrate Christ Church Grammar School values and ethical etiquette when using my iPad.
  5. use the iPad lawfully and in accordance with the ICT acceptable use and electronic communications (student) policy and guidelines and as referenced in the CCGS Student Device Program located on the School website.
  6. not share account names and passwords with anyone unless requested by Christ Church Grammar School staff or support technicians when servicing the iPad.
  7. be responsible for the security and use of the iPad while at Christ Church Grammar School.
  8. ensure Student identification remains permanently present on a student’s iPad (and Apple pencils (Years 5 and 6)).
  9. the above conditions and if are not followed, I will not be granted the authorisation to use the Apple iPad at Christ Church Grammar School.



Name of Student: __________________________Class: _______

Student signature: ______________________________________

Date: ____/____/_____________________________________________

Parent Signature: _________________________________ Date: ___/____/____