Sports bus


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1    Purpose and Scope

These procedures set out Christ Church Grammar School’s (the School’s) arrangements for the provision of buses to transport students to and from all training and sports fixtures and outlines the expectations of students, their parents and staff to comply with the requirements for use of the buses and the wearing of seat belts.

2    Procedures

2.1     Training

Due to training venues for many sports being located away from the main Claremont Campus, the School will ensure transportation to these venues to maximise training time and the use of school and hired facilities.

2.2    Year 7, 8 and 9 training and fixtures

Training days will vary.  Buses will depart from the Claremont campus for training venues, at approximately 3.20 pm in summer and winter.  Buses will return to the Claremont Campus from training venues at approximately 5.15 pm.

It is expected that Year 7, 8 and 9 students will return on the bus to the Claremont campus.  Parents who wish to collect their son from a training venue may do so but must ensure they have collected their son prior to the 5.00 pm departure time from the venue after consultation with staff.  Year 7, 8 and 9 students will not be left behind under any circumstances when the bus departs, and parents will be expected to collect them from the Claremont campus.

On Friday afternoons many fixtures are scheduled away from the campus.  Students will be transported to venues and will be required to return on the scheduled bus unless they are collected prior to the departure of the bus.  All fixtures for teams, bus departure and return times are published weekly on NEXUS timetable and via Clipboard.

Parents are encouraged to attend scheduled fixtures to support their sons and may collect them at the conclusion of the game after consultation with staff and before the scheduled bus departure. Where possible, please notify coaching staff prior to match day if you will be collecting your son after a fixture.

2.3    Year 10, 11 and 12 training and fixtures

Buses depart from the Claremont campus at approximately 3.20pm for training venues.  Training days will vary.  Buses will depart training venues at 5.15 pm.  Senior boys may return on the buses provided or may be collected by parents at 5.00 pm.  It is the School’s expectation that boys will be picked up promptly by parents before departure of buses and after staff consultation.

It is the responsibility of individual parents to ensure they have made appropriate arrangements for the pick-up of their son.

On Saturday mornings, buses are provided for boarders to transport them to respective venues for fixtures.  The School’s preference is for day boys to be transported to fixtures by private vehicles.  A limited number of spare seats are available on the bus for boarders departing from the Claremont campus for senior fixtures.  Buses returning to the campus after fixtures are primarily for boarders and private arrangements for the return of day boys from fixtures is preferred by the School.

All parents are encouraged to attend senior fixtures on Saturday morning to watch their son play for the School.  (All fixtures for teams, bus departure and return times are published weekly on the NEXUS timetable.

2.4   Seat Belts

Staff and Students are to take note of the following requirements with regard to the use of seat belts on buses:

When ordering a bus from Buswest for any excursion that is leaving the metropolitan area, the bus must be fitted with seat belts.  By way of an example, all buses ordered for transport of students to and from Kooringal campus must be fitted with seat belts.

Buses ordered to provide transportation to sports events or excursions in the metropolitan area may not always be fitted with seat belts due to the large number of buses required and the current inability of any one company to supply large numbers of buses with seat belts.

When staff travel on a bus for any CCGS related journey, they must ensure that students are seated.  Staff should also be seated.  If the bus is fitted with seat belts it is mandatory for students to wear the seat belts for improved safety.

2.5   Variation

The School reserves the right to vary, replace or terminate these procedures as required from time to time.