Naming Opportunity


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1. Purpose 

These guidelines provide direction and assistance to the School in recognising individuals who have provided sustained and distinguished service, or made a significant and/or permanent investment in the School through substantial philanthropy by naming school buildings, parts of buildings, facilities, outdoor areas, collections, scholarships and prizes in their honour.  Organisations that have made substantial donations may be similarly recognised. 

2. Guidelines 

Naming recognition may be offered to those whose service and/or philanthropy supports and enhances the fulfilment of the School’s values, mission, vision and Strategic Plan of the day. 

Naming opportunities encompassed by these guidelines include the following: 

  • Buildings or sections of buildings where the identification refers to the building itself or an external feature such as a wing 
  • Sections of buildings, such as theatres, laboratories, conference rooms, lecture halls, seminar and tutorial rooms where the identification refers to an internal feature 
  • Outdoor facilities and areas such as gardens, courtyards, ovals, playing fields, walkways, ornamental structures, pools and 
  • School collections, scholarships and prizes recommended for naming after consultation with the Principal 

The School Council reserves exclusive authority to name buildings, parts of buildings, scholarships, prizes and other aspects of the School on the recommendation of the Principal. 

All proposals for naming must be submitted to the Office of Advancement for consideration and referral via the Principal to the Council. 

Naming Criteria

A proposal for naming a building or significant and identifiable section of a building in honour of a person will normally be considered when that person:  

  • Is a major benefactor who makes a direct and major contribution to the capital cost of constructing the building (normally 50% or greater, but less may be considered in exceptional circumstances); or 
  • Has given extraordinarily distinguished service to the School which merits recognition 

The criteria for naming buildings for organisations will be the same as for individuals, normally a philanthropic contribution amounting to 50% or greater of the capital cost of construction. 

Proposals may be considered for naming identifiable sections, facilities within a building or outdoor features on receiving endowments or continuing funds at what the Council deems to be an appropriate level, from individuals or organisations.  This includes sponsorship proposals.   

Naming in honour of members of staff will not normally be considered until after that member’s formal relationship with the School has concluded. 

In no instance does benefaction automatically imply a naming opportunity within the School. 

Consent of the individual or organisation being recognised must be obtained before naming recognition can be conferred. Where the proposal involves honouring a deceased person, agreement from the next of kin or other relevant contact must be obtained (where practicable). This is not necessary where consent is provided through a Will. 

Discussions with those being recognised must not commence until the Principal has reviewed and recommended the proposal to the Chair of School Council for approval. An individual or organisation being honoured may nominate someone else’s name to be honoured in lieu. 

Naming recognition for philanthropic contributions must be documented in a Contract/Gift Agreement prepared by the Office of Advancement. Commemorative plaques may be used to recognise endowments in appropriate locations in a style which is consistent with approved School branding and style. 

 Tenure of Naming

 Naming recognition may be withdrawn if, in the opinion of School Council, the name is likely to damage the School’s reputation or for whatever reason it deems appropriate. The Principal will consider whether the naming recognition should be withdrawn and make a recommendation to the School Council. 

Where funds are pledged over a period of time, the School may revise the form of recognition or withdraw recognition if the agreed flow of funds ceases or changes from the provisions of the Gift Agreement

Any naming is ordinarily for the duration of the life of the facility unless otherwise specified.  In the event of demolition, destruction or refurbishment of a structure, its name or any parts of it shall be the subject of fresh negotiations and recommendations. Where possible, donors or their families will be given the opportunity to support the refurbishments/upgrades. 

Regardless of the outcome of any renegotiations, naming plaques and honour boards will be retained for commemorative and historical reasons in accordance with the School’s Archival Policy and as a gesture of appreciation and goodwill to benefactors. 

Naming in perpetuity may only be considered when a gift of a capital fund will generate sufficient funds in perpetuity. 

Capital and endowment campaigns at the School may include some naming opportunities at the discretion of Council.