Head Injury Policy

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A head injury is any trauma to the scalp, skull or brain resulting from direct or indirect force to the head, face or neck or from anywhere else in the body where force is transmitted through the head.

Management of a head injury depends on its severity. The history of how the injury was sustained is an important factor to consider when assessing and managing a head injury. It is particularly important to ascertain if there has been a loss of consciousness.

Staff responsibility

On campus

  • The nursing staff should be informed, 9442 1700 or 0412 744 192 and arrangements made for the student to be escorted to the Health Centre for assessment.

Off campus (e.g. during an excursion, off-campus sport training, Friday afternoon or Saturday sport, or any other school sporting fixture)

The team coach/manager, excursion organiser/staff member must:

  • as soon as practicable refer the injured student to the nearest first aid post or medical facility for assessment. If in doubt, call an ambulance 000
  • report directly (in person or by phone) to the most appropriate person responsible for the care of the student i.e. the parent/s of the student, the Health Centre staff or in the case of a boarding student the Residential Year Group Co-ordinator or the Director of Residential Community. If this is a sport related injury inform the Director of Sport.
  • hand over must be to another adult who has a duty of care for the student e.g. the parent/s of the student, the Health Centre staff, or in the case of a boarding student to the Year Group Co-ordinator or the Director of Residential Community with a verbal explanation of the circumstances of the injury accompanied by any written documentation. Confirmation that the student will be monitored for any changes to his condition is essential.