Step 1
Event Organiser to check the School calendars on Outlook and discuss proposed date with Director of Planning and Co-Curricular (JNF) for confirmation.
Once confirmed, DoPCC to place event in the School calendar.
Step 2
Event Organiser to prepare and submit C2G proposal for DoPCC approval. Requests for Express Approval must be pre-agreed with DoPCC.
Step 3
Event Organiser to email list of students attending event to DoPCC EA (Jo Hudson).
NB. Jo Hudson is the only person with permissions to create the C2G student group for the event
Step 4
Event Organiser to complete School’s Activity Risk Assessment (ARA) form and obtain sign-off from Risk and Compliance Officer (MJT). This then needs to be uploaded to the C2G event plan with participating staff signatures.
Step 5
After receiving C2G proposal approval, Event Organiser to complete C2G event planning and submit for approvals.
Step 6
HOD, Studies Office and Risk and Compliance Officer to approve C2G event planning.
Step 7
Once Event Organiser has received confirmation of final approval via email, notify DoPCC EA (Jo Hudson) to send final C2G event invitation to parents.
Step 8
Event Organiser to email Secondary Teachers of event details and students attending.
Step 9
Event Organiser to monitor C2G event RSVPs and student details. Event Organiser to contact parents who have not responded.
Step 10
Event Organiser to download a hardcopy of the event from C2G to take on event.
Staff attending to download the C2G for staff app on their mobile device.
Jo Hudson to download a hardcopy of the event from C2G for School reference.
* MLC Students
All communications via the ‘Crossing the Fence Coordinator’, Dr Holly Rose who will provide MLC details of the excursion and request medical information summary.