Code of Ethics

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1. Purpose and Scope

The Code of Ethics sets out

  • The ideals and ethos of Christ Church Grammar School (the School)
  • The values that guide the practices and conduct of the School
  • A foundation for the development and practice of the School’s policies and procedures and
  • Enables the School as a professional community to affirm its public accountability

The Code of Ethics is a statement of the ethical principles and values that underpin decision making and govern the behaviours required of all members of the Council, staff, contractors and their employees, visitors, students, parents and volunteers at Christ Church Grammar School.  The Code reflects and upholds our Christian principles and Anglican identity. It is intended to assist staff and students to identify and resolve ethical issues which might arise during their employment or during their studies.  It is designed to inform the Council, staff, students, visitors, contractors, parents and volunteers of how the organisation will approach its dealings with the internal and external community.

The Code outlines a set of general principles rather than detailed prescriptions.  It stands alongside and does not exclude or replace the rights and obligations of individuals under common law or legislation.

2. Application

The Code of Ethics (and related Code of Conduct for Staff) form part of Christ Church Grammar School’s contract with its staff and apply to all employees whether full-time, part-time or casual.  Contractors and their employees and volunteers, while participating in the life of the School community, are expected to act in a manner consistent with the ethical and conduct obligations detailed in the above mentioned Codes.

It is a condition of enrolment also that students adhere to the provisions of legislation, Code of Ethics and Code of Conduct for all Students.

3. Principles of Ethical Practice

The four core values which underpin everything we do as a community and influence our decision making, actions and the relationships between the Council, staff, contractors, volunteers, students, parents and caregivers are:

RESPECT for self, others and everything around us, demonstrated by

  • Exhibiting courteous behaviour
  • Recognising the rights, interests and welfare of others
  • Avoiding discrimination, abuse or exploitation
  • Acknowledging parents as partners in the education of their children

INTEGRITY and a true moral compass in everything we do

  • Acting in the best interests of students
  • Recognising, declaring and managing real or perceived conflicts of interest
  • Responsibly managing the School’s assets, resources and the environment

EXCELLENCE demonstrated by

  • A commitment to being the very best one can be in all areas
  • Providing quality teaching
  • Developing and maintaining excellence in professional practice
  • Striving for continuous improvement

CARE AND COMPASSION demonstrated by

  • Kindness and respect for self and others
  • Treating students fairly and impartially
  • Working cooperatively with colleagues in the best interests of students to ensure their safety and wellbeing
  • Maintaining professional relationships with colleagues, students, parents and the School community

4. Related Policies and Resources

Code of Conduct for Staff
Code of Conduct for Staff – How to Comply
Code of Conduct for Students
Christ Church Grammar School Strategic Plan 2021-2025