All Tours: Information and Code of Conduct

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Tour Name: ________________________________________________________________


  • Please ensure this document is signed and dated before submitting
  • Attach a photocopy of the photo page of your passport in the space provided (international travel only)
  • Hand deliver your application to your tour co-ordinator

Tour co-ordinator

[enter name here]                                                                                                                                                  

Christ Church Grammar School

Queenslea Drive

Claremont WA 6910



Name: House:
Mobile: Tutor:

NB: All student medical information and contact details will be collected from the school’s Consent2Go information. If you need to update any medical for your son, or contact information, please do so through the CCGS parental portal link to Consent2Go.


All tour members are expected to read and understand this Code of Conduct.

Please note the rules that apply on tour will be followed at all times.

  1. The common sense rule:  The most important rule is that everyone should be thoughtful and considerate of others and use their common sense.
  2. Safety:  Sensible behaviour is expected at all times as some tours are in developing countries and can be a hazardous place in which to travel. Sensible behaviour arises from an accurate reading of situations. Tour members are expected to be able to take responsibility for their own behaviour, to maintain a high level of self control and to refrain from taking unnecessary risks.
  3. Punctuality: All tour members are expected to be at the right place on time. It is each person’s responsibility to report to the relevant tours leader/staff member(s).
  4. Illness:  A student who is sick or injured must report to the CCGS staff member as soon as possible. Any tour member aware of another student on the tour who is sick or injured is to notify the Tour Leader immediately.
  5. Smoking, drinking and drugs:
    1. The possession or consumption of alcohol by any student is forbidden.
    2. Psychoactive drugs (depressants, stimulants and hallucinogens) are forbidden unless medically prescribed.
    3. The smoking of tobacco or vaping is not permitted.
  6. Transportation:  Tour members are only allowed to travel in transport arranged by staff or with the permission of their tour leader/staff member.
  7. Bounds and inappropriate communication:  No student may leave the student group at any time without the permission of his or her tour leader/staff member. During free time, tour members may be permitted to shop, sightsee etc with the express permission of their tour leader/staff member. However, students must travel in a group – minimum of three students.  A group must sign out with duty staff and destinations and return time must be given and adhered to. No student will be allowed to go anywhere alone. Tour members must be aware of the dangers of inappropriate communication with strangers whilst in transit or in hotels, whether personally, or by telephone.
  8. Hotels and hostels:
    1. The highest standards of behaviour are expected whilst in the school tour accommodation, including:
    2. be friendly towards staff and other guests
    3. respect hotel/hostel property
    4. keep rooms tidy
    5. respect lights-out times
    6. respect other guests’ privacy 

You may visit your friends in other rooms but you must return to your own room half an hour before lights out or immediately on the request of a member of staff. However, you must be aware that ‘private space’ is an essential ingredient and that those who do not want to have others in their room have every right to state that. Prior to entering someone else’s room, please gain permission of all tour members residing in that room.

  1. Respect
    1. Students are expected to behave ethically and respectfully in all dealings whilst on tour with CCGS Staff and members of the wider community. Students are expected to act in a way that respects the rights, differences and welfare of all members of the tour, and not harass or discriminate against other students or staff.
    2. Students are expected to obey a direction given by a tour staff member unless the student deems the direction to be unsafe.
    3. Act and work co-operatively with other students and staff member
  2. Mobile phones and other electronic devices
    1. The following ‘common sense’ rules are in place to educate you in the use of and management of your phone and other devices on tour.
    2. Phones are only to used for Tour communications and/or emergencies.
    3. Ear buds should only be used at the discretion of the tour staff members.
    4. Students are not to move around with their IT devices open.
  3. Breaches of the Tour Code

If a student has concerns with regard to another student breaching the Code of Conduct, they should approach a CCGS staff member to discuss the issue as soon as possible.

  1.  Consequences for breaching the Tour Code

Breaches to the Tour Code of Conduct will result in disciplinary action and may involve the student being sent home.


By signing this document:

  • We acknowledge that we have read and understood the information within this document.
  • We have checked the information contained within CONSENT2GO and confirm that it is accurate and truthful.
  • We agree that the Code of Conduct should apply for the duration of the school tour. We are also aware that any breach of good conduct which is, in the considered opinion of the school tour co-ordinator and supervisory staff, too serious to allow the student concerned to continue with the school tour will result in the student being sent home at the expense of the parent/guardian.
  • We confirm that our account with the school is up to date.
  • We give our consent for our child to participate in the school tour.


Student’s name:
Student’s signature:  Date:


Parent/Guardian’s name:
Parent/Guardian’s signature:  Date:



 NB: If travelling overseas please complete the documentation on page 5

International travel only


Please glue or attach a photocopy of the information and photo pages of your passport in this space. If you are in the process of obtaining your passport or renewing, please send the copies to the CCGS student administration office as soon as you receive them.

Expiry due date is to be no less than six months at time of date of return.