What to do if...?

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  1. You are late for school
    • During Tutorial: If you arrive after 8.40am, and have missed getting your name marked off the absentee roll in your House area, please sign in on the Attendance terminal located at Student Services (CLC).
    • After Tutorial: Sign in on the Attendance terminal located at Student Services (CLC). You may then go to class.
  2. You have an instrumental lesson
    • Sign out of your timetabled class using the Attendance terminal located in the front of the Music Administration office. Sign in to your next available timetabled class when the lesson has finished.
  3. You are attending Psychological Services
    • Sign out of your timetabled class using the Attendance terminal located at the Marshal’s office. Sign in to your next available timetabled class when the appointment has finished.
  4. You are in Year 12 and take Claremont leave
    • Sign out (to leave school) using the Attendance terminal located at the Marshal’s office. Sign in when you return to school.
  5. If you are attending an external appointment (eg. medical appointment)
    • Sign out (to leave school) using the Attendance terminal located at Student Services (CLC). Sign in when/if you return to school.
  6. You are absent for any reason from school 
    • Your parent/guardian to email absentees@ccgs.wa.edu.au before 8.30am on the day of your absence stating your Name/House/Tutor and a valid reason for your absence.
  7. You cannot make a sporting commitment either before/after school or at a Saturday PSA Match
    • Your parent/guardian to email absentees@ccgs.wa.edu.au stating your Name/House/Tutor/Sport Commitment and a valid reason why your commitment can’t be met.
  8. You feel sick or are injured at school
    • During class time: Ask your teacher for a note then report to the Nurse at the Health Centre.
    • Outside of class time: Report directly to the Nurse at the Health Centre who will contact your parent/guardian if necessary.
    • NB. Do not ring home and arrange collection without first reporting to the Health Centre.
  9. You require leave during the school term
    • Your parent/guardian should request permission for this leave in advance, in writing to your Head of House. Parent should also cc a copy to absentees@ccgs.wa.edu.au
  10. You will be leaving early or returning late in the term
    • Your parent/guardian requests permission for this leave in advance, in writing to your Head of House and also to cc a copy to absentees@ccgs.wa.edu.au
  11. For some exceptional reason, you are unable to wear the full school uniform
    • Bring a note from your parent/guardian to explain your situation and give it to your Head of House during Tutorial. Your Head of House will initial this note. You must retain this note and produce it when requested.
  12. You have trouble with your locker
    • See your Head of House as early as possible. Schoolbags are not to be carried to classes.
  13. You bring any valuable items or sums of money to school
    • Hand them into your Head of House or Tutor first thing in the morning.
  14. You lose some property
    • Report the loss to your Head of House immediately and enquire at the School Marshal’s Office.
  15. You find some property
    • Take it to the School Marshal’s Office immediately.
  16. You lose your bus pass
    • Report your loss to the ITC Staff Helpdesk
  17. You need help with study skills, time management or organisation.
    • Discuss with your Tutor. If necessary he/she will arrange for you to see one of the School Counsellors.
  18. You have material that needs to be photocopied
    • The library has a photocopier for student use. A small charge applies.
  19. You need to hand in an assignment outside class time
    • Take it to the Student Services counter in the CLC and ask to have it placed it in your teacher’s pigeon hole.
  20. You want to change a subject or part of your course
    • Discuss your subject choices in the first instance with your Tutor and Head of House in deciding what action to take.
  21. You need assistance with personal problems
    • Discuss with your Tutor, Head of House, any teacher or staff member you trust, one of the School Counsellors or the Chaplain.
  22. You need to make a telephone call during school hours
    • A Public telephone is located in the Administration building, please ask the Receptionist first before use.
  23. You change your address, telephone number, etc.
    • Your parent/guardian must update your details in Consent2Go as soon as possible.