Absence, Illness and Punctuality
- All students must be at school on time, i.e. 8.25am.
- Tutorial starts at 8.30am concluding at 8.50am.
- If you are sick, late or have an appointment during any part of the school day, your parent/carer must email absentees@ccgs.wa.edu.au to record your absence, providing details of your name, House, year and tutor, the reason for the absence and a time of arrival/departure before 8.25am on the day of your absence. If the School has not been advised by this time your parents will receive an SMS message. Parents will be asked to respond within thirty minutes by SMS or email to the School to confirm the absence. If the School does not receive a response in this time frame they are obliged to confirm through other processes your whereabouts. Please ensure your parents assist absentee processes by being prompt with notification of absences. The SMS will be sent to parents/guardian by 9.00am each day if no contact has been received regarding your absence.
- There is no need for parents/carers to email or phone your Tutor/Head of House for any absences unless contacted directly by a Tutor/Head of House in regards to an absence.
- It is the responsibility of each student to have his name marked off the electronic roll each day on arrival at school. If you arrive after 8.40am, and have missed getting your name marked off the absentee roll in your House area, you must sign in on the Attendance terminal located at Student Admin Services (CLC) before proceeding to Tutorial.
- If you are arriving after tutorial, you must sign in on the Attendance terminal located at Student Admin Services (CLC) as soon as you arrive on campus and then proceed to your scheduled class.
- If you are late for Assembly on Thursday you must see your Head of House (or whomever is doing the attendance for your House) to be marked off the roll.
- If you play musical instruments, which impact on any part of the school day, you must sign out of your timetabled class on the Attendance terminal in the foyer of the Music Department. After your music lesson, you must sign in to your next available timetabled class on the Attendance terminal in the foyer of the Music Department and then proceed immediately to your class.
- If you are attending Psychological Services, you must sign out of your timetabled class on the Attendance terminal in the Psych Office. When your appointment has finished, you must sign in on the Attendance terminal in the Psych Office and proceed immediately to your next available timetabled class.
- If you are in Year 12 and are taking Claremont leave during your free period, you must sign out (to leave school) on the Attendance terminal at Student Services or the Refectory. You must sign in on the Attendance terminal at Student Services or the Refectory when you return to school.
- If you are attending an external appointment, you must sign out (to leave school) on the Attendance terminal located at Student Admin Services (CLC). You must sign in on the Attendance terminal located at Student Admin Services (CLC) if/when you return to school. Parents/guardian must provide prior notification to the absentee line of your appointment.
- If you cannot make a sporting commitment either before/after school, or at a Friday/Saturday PSA Match, you must get your parent/guardian to email absentees@ccgs.wa.edu.au prior to the commitment, stating your Name/House/Tutor/Sport commitment and a valid reason why your commitment cannot be met. As a courtesy students are expected to contact coaches/managers directly before their absence, so any necessary team arrangements can be made, or as soon as possible thereafter to explain their absence.
- If you are sick or injured during the school day
– During class time: Ask your teacher to contact the Health Centre and then they will get you to report to the Nurse at the Health Centre. Depending on your condition you may need to be accompanied by another student or teacher.
– Outside of class time: Ask a staff member to contact the Health Centre and then they will get you to report to the Nurse at the Health Centre who will contact your parent/guardian if necessary.
DO NOT contact your parents/guardian and arrange collection without first reporting to the Health Centre.
- If you have an infectious disease or have been in contact with someone that has been infected, the School must be notified immediately. Returning to School will be in accordance with the Department of Health guidelines.
Planned Absences
- If you are seeking to miss school during the school term or will be leaving early or returning late in the term, it is important that your parent/guardian request permission for this leave well in advance. This request should be made by email to your Head of House so appropriate consideration of the impact of such absence can be considered. Parents should also send advice to absentees@ccgs.wa.edu.au of this absence once it has been discussed with the Head of House.
- NB. Students will be expected to complete documentation for Head of House, indicating how missed work will be covered off in each subject area and if any assessments will be missed.
School Routines
Daily Routine Senior School
Students are required to be at school at 8.25am each day.
On all days, except Thursday, the day starts with a 20-minute meeting in House/Tutorial at 8.30am. On most Thursdays the day starts at 8.30am with Chapel and the Principal’s Assembly, followed by a Tutorial and/or meeting. If there is no Principal’s Assembly then tutorial begins at 8.30am. Tutorial is an important and compulsory part of the Schools’ program.
After these meetings, classes commence. There are six periods during the day with a 15-minute recess and a 35-minute lunch. Classes finish at 3.05pm.
The timetable is on a ten-day cycle; the student’s electronic device indicates this cycle on their Nexus page.
Sports training is once a week, except for First Teams. Training days will vary.
Arrangements for Friday afternoons
- Years 7, 8 & 9: All students are involved in sport.
- Years 10 & 11: All students are involved in their selected activity and cannot leave the activity or campus until it concludes / 3.05pm.
- Year 12: Some students will be involved in Cadets and other activities, but the majority of Year 12 students are free to go home. On some days there are excursions, assessment tasks or lectures in academic subjects. These are usually listed in the Calendar of Events. Students not involved in a Friday afternoon activity may not leave the School until 12.45pm.
- All students participating in sport at the School are expected to abide by the JPSSA Code of Conduct (Preparatory School) or the PSA Code of Conduct (Senior School).
- Students must attend all training sessions and matches as required.
School Uniform
Christ Church Grammar School expects high standards of uniform at all times. Students are required to wear the uniform as outlined in the Student Presentation Standards document. Students must maintain neat appearance with the understanding that they are representatives of the School when dressed in uniform. Students must leave the school grounds dressed in school uniform. In Terms 2 and 3 this includes the blazer. Please note, a blazer is also required on Thursdays in Term 4.
NEXUS News Feed
The News feed is published daily on personalised Nexus pages on student devices. It includes notices of sport and activities, meetings of groups, instructions for changes of routine; anything that affects part of the school day.
It is the responsibility of each student to read the News feed.
Principal’s Assembly on Thursday
- All students in Years 7-12 are required to attend the scheduled Principal’s Assembly at 8.30am in the School Chapel on Thursdays. Latecomers must report to their Head of House at the Chapel on arrival.
- During first term, students wear summer uniform to Assembly. Unless told otherwise, all students are expected to wear Formal Uniform on Thursdays with blazers for Terms 2, 3 & 4.
- Students are required to report in as present to the House official outside the Chapel and then sit with their Tutor in the designated House area.
- When the signal is given for the proceedings to commence students should stand in silence.
- No Year 7 to 11 students may leave the school grounds between arrival at school and the end of school commitments for the day, including Friday afternoons. Year 12 students who have a free period must sign in and out at an Attendance Terminal in the refectory.
- Students arriving at school for sport training, cannot leave the campus and go to Claremont between the conclusion of training and the start of Tutorial/Assembly.
- The Boarding house and the OQD facility (unless in program) are out of bounds at all times to day students.
- The Chapel, associate banks and river precinct are out of bounds at all times unless classes or school events are being conducted by staff.
- Only students attending classes, lessons or musical practices, under the supervision of staff, can be in the music centre or Chapel rehearsal rooms .
- No student should enter any teaching room unless given permission by a member of staff.
- Respect the learning needs of all students. No student shall interfere with the learning environment of others.
- Students are to arrive punctually to tutorial and to class with the correct books and equipment.
- Unreasonable lateness between classes must be covered by an email from the previous teacher.
- If a teacher has not arrived at a class ten minutes after the scheduled commencement time then one student must go to the Studies Office so that arrangements can be made to find a replacement teacher (Senior School).
- Food may not be taken into any teaching area without permission, similarly on the ovals at recess and lunchtimes.
- All Food scraps, food wrappers and food containers should be placed along with other litter in the bins provided.
- Chewing gum is not allowed on campus.
- Food and drinks are not allowed in the Chapel.
- Food cannot be ordered and delivered to the School during the school day. e.g. Uber Eats.
The Canteen, is located on the ground floor, eastern wing of the student Refectory, and is open from Monday to Friday, except on public and school holidays.
The canteen service sells a variety of foods before school, morning recess and lunchtime. You can make an online order should you have specific dietary requirements (i.e. Gluten Free/ Vegetarian / Dairy Free).
Purchases can ONLY be made using the individuals student card.
Rules for queuing
- Queue in the order of arrival without pushing forward on those already in the queue.
- No pushing in ahead or saving places for others.
- Year 12 do not acquire any special queue privilege.
Mobile Phones
The following ‘common sense’ rules are in place to educate you in the use of and management of your phone and other devices.
- Students are expected to comply with the School’s ICT policy for students.
- If they are brought to and kept at school their use is entirely at their owner’s risk. The School cannot accept any responsibility for theft, loss, or damage.
- Mobile phones should be kept in lockers NOT on their person between 8.25am and 3.05pm.
- Smart watches can be worn during the day but should not be used.
- During the school day no ear buds should be seen outside of specialist rooms where teachers are allowing them to be worn. NB. At the discretion of individual teachers, as part of the learning environment, playing of music and videos may be appropriate from computers. This also applies to senior private study classes.
- Students are not to move around the school campus with their IT devices open and supplied protective covers must be kept on the device at all times.
- IT devices are not to be used at recess. Use during lunchtime, Senior School students may use devices in the library and IT Centre and Preparatory students use will be guided by teachers.
- Mobile phones and other IT devices cannot be taken to the school changerooms or toilets during the school day. They must be left in lockers for safekeeping.
All students should note that if a teacher asks for the student’s phone or watch during the school day, due to its improper use, it is important to respectfully hand the phone, watch or device to the staff member. The phone, watch or device will be passed to the Student Services Co-ordinator or Heads of House. The Head of House will have the responsibility for negotiating its return.
Please refer to the Assessment Policy regarding mobile device, phones and watches in examinations.
Year 12 Free Periods
All students will have a choice in deciding how they use the free periods by:
- attending the Library: independent silent work/at the Librarian’s discretion.
- quietly relaxing/discussing with others in the Refectory.
- visiting the Claremont shopping precinct only during their free period and not before school or during recess and lunch. Year 12 students must sign in and out at an Attendance Terminal in the refectory.
- A Year 12 student who has a free period (blank in his timetable) in period 6 Monday – Thursday may leave at the end of period 5. On Friday a student may not leave before lunchtime.
- Year 12 students cannot use the oval, gym or cricket net areas during free periods.
Year 11 and Year 12 Assessment Periods
No Year 11 or 12 student is permitted to leave the campus during the Assessment Period, even if he does not have an assessment.
If a student does not have an assessment, they will have a choice in deciding how they use the period by:
- attending the Library: independent silent work/at the Librarian’s discretion.
- quietly relaxing/discussing with others in the Refectory, or shaded seating areas in the Senior School campus area.
- students cannot use the oval, gym or cricket net areas during assessment periods.
Year 12 Private Study Periods
A Year 12 student who drops a subject will have an extra 8 periods where he is not in a scheduled class. These are designated private study periods in his timetable. (Year 11 students are required to study 6 subjects).
Private study periods will be treated as periods allocated to an academic subject, i.e. students will be allocated to a particular class for each of the private study periods, in a specified room and supervised by a nominated teacher, and where:
- students must attend all allocated study periods and rolls are taken by the supervising teacher.
- students are expected to use the periods productively, reporting punctually with materials ready to work immediately.
Learning to use unstructured time is an important skill that is essential in tertiary education. Students who are serious about their studies have the opportunity to use these spare periods to carry out research, complete assignments or finish homework.
In their use of this time students are expected to respect the needs of other individuals and groups in the School. Use of the areas listed above is on the understanding that others are not disturbed. Games (including cards and ball games) are not permitted, whilst the gymnasiums and playing fields are reserved for the use of Physical Education classes.
Driving to School
- A student may drive a car or ride a motorcycle to and from school if the NEXUS online ‘Driving to School’ form has been completed and acknowledged by the Head of Senior School. This form includes the details of the vehicle/s you might drive and guidelines about passengers you might transport to and from school.
- Students are not permitted to use any vehicle between the hours of 8.30am and 3.05pm. However, if a student must use their vehicle during school hours for a private reason, an email of parental consent for that particular circumstance must be provided to the student’s Head of House prior to the student using their vehicle for that reason.
- Students are not permitted to drive other students to school events/commitments during the school day. This applies even if written parental permission has been obtained for the student to drive other students. The School provides buses to and from Queenslea Drive for school events and sport training for students to use.
- The School does not have space available for student parking. Consequently, no student is permitted to park their vehicle on school grounds or MLC grounds.
Lunch detentions: Students given a lunch detention are required to report to the Student Services Co-ordinator in their Office at 1.00pm. Students will be assigned tasks, and must report back to the Student Services Co-ordinator at the end of lunch.
School detentions: These are Monday to Thursday from 3.15pm to 4.30pm. Students will be given work to do for one and a quarter hours.
Sports detention: These are on a Friday morning from 7.30am – 8.00am for students who have missed trainings or games.
Students will be notified they have a School or sports detention via email from the Student Services Co-ordinator.
Saturday detentions: These are given by the Deputy Principal/Head of Senior School, Director of Planning and Co-Curricular, Deputy Principal/Director of Studies or Principal for major breaches of school rules or repeated offences. They are conducted when necessary on Saturdays and each student must obtain a parent signature on the ‘Saturday Detention’ card that was issued by the Head of House. Students will be assigned work for up to three hours.
Care of Property and Equipment
- Students are responsible for the safe-keeping of their own property.
All uniform and belongings must be clearly marked with the owner’s name. Valuable items must be secured in lockers. The School will not be responsible for the loss of any student property.
- In the interests of security, school bags and sports bags cannot be taken to classes (never left outside classrooms) and are to be secured inside the lockers provided. Cricket / Hockey bags may be stored under the stairs in S-Block or the cages behind Drama. Books and devices are to be carried without the use of the school bag.
NB. Sports bags or School bags can be taken to PE but must only contain the appropriate sport clothing (valuables must remain in locker, including mobiles and headphones). - Any articles or money found must be handed to a member of staff or the school office.
- No student may interfere with, or wilfully damage, any property (including grounds equipment) of the School or of any person. Any damage to property or injury to a person must be reported immediately to a member of staff. Students are not to enter, occupy, use or interfere with any school property or enable any other person to do so, without authorisation from the School.
- Lockers: All students are allocated a locker and a combination lock for the duration of their time at the School. Students are responsible to their Head of House for the care and good order of their locker. Any damage or loss should be reported to his Head of House as soon as possible.
Lockers must always be locked before the owner leaves them. Under no circumstances may a student open a locker belonging to another student.
Students are expected to take books and device for two classes at a time so that lockers are not used between periods 1 and 2, 3 and 4, or 5 and 6 except for Physical Education or Instrumental music classes.
Student school bags must be stored in lockers.
- Bicycle: Safety & Security: Students are reminded that all cyclists and scooter riders must wear an approved helmet as a matter of law and as a matter of safety. Students are required to lock their bikes/scooters in the bicycle enclosure. The riding of bicycles and scooters in the school grounds is not permitted between 8.00am and 4.00pm. At other times bicycles and scooters may be ridden along the road and recognised pathways, at all times taking due care.
Unfortunately bicycle/scooter theft is a problem in the general community and the School is not immune to this problem. Bicycles/scooters have been stolen from the School. We recommend the use of a strong securing ‘D’ lock whenever the bicycle/scooter is not in use to deter theft.
Further, the School wishes to advise parents and students that:
(i) the bicycle/scooter enclosure offers a substantial anchorage point for bicycle securing devices;
(ii) thieves frequently use bolt cutters on the weakest point of the securing device. We recommend to secure your bike/scooter with a lock that cannot be cut by bolt cutters easily, i.e. a D-Lock.
(iii) the School accepts NO liability for bicycles/scooters or any other personal property brought to the School. Although staff take all reasonable care, we suggest that parents contact their own insurance company with respect to insuring their son’s bicycle/scooter;
(iv) thieves appear to target the expensive bicycles and scooters;
(v) we suggest that the frame is engraved with either a telephone number or a car registration number. Besides acting as a deterrent to some, it means that the owners can be traced easily by Police if a stolen bicycle/scooter is recovered.
7. Lost Property: Property found lying around the School and grounds is impounded and may be reclaimed from lost property in the Student Services Co-ordinators office. Any property not claimed by the end of each school term may be donated to a charity.
8. Trading Property: Any transactions between students concerning the sale of items of any kind, should not take place on school property.
Uniform Shop
The uniform shop is adjacent to Knutsford House, above catering, and is open on Monday: 8.00am to 5.00pm; Wednesday: 1.00pm to 5.00pm; Thursday: 2.30pm to 5.00pm and Friday; 8.00am-11.00am. A list of opening times is in the calendar of events. A full range of new and second-hand school and sports uniforms can be purchased at the Uniform Shop. Any second-hand item of school or sports uniforms of suitable standard (with the exception of socks, bathers and school shoes) may be taken to the uniform shop for resale. A commission is charged. The uniform shop can be contacted on (08) 9442 1716.
The School operates a book-hire scheme for Senior School students. Each student is responsible for collecting his books before the commencement of the school year and returning these books at the end of each year. The bookroom sells stationery, text books, calculators and cadet items. Opening times are from 1.00pm to 1.30pm Monday to Thursday and 10.40am to 10.55am Friday.
No student may take part in any media interview or broadcast in which the name of the School is mentioned, other than those officially sanctioned by the School.
If a student has a grievance about the interpretation of a rule he must feel free to discuss it with his Tutor, Head of House, or other staff member or in the Preparatory School the Classroom teacher.